Networking Fast Through the Incredible Li-Fi Technology

By Nick S Curtis

The century we live in has seen some of the most astonishing and sensational changes when it comes to technology. For a layman, these advancements may seem extremely challenging to grasp. This doesn’t come as a wonder because with all the inventions in the field of technology, it has become quiet complicated. However, the aim behind all this is to swiftly enhance the user experience and make their everyday lives better. The talk of the town lately has been the amazing Li-Fi technology. Although a lot of people still aren’t aware of it, there has been a rising curiosity to find out about its application and benefits to an ordinary user. Whether it will grow out to be as popular as the Wi-Fi is still a matter of speculation. However, it is certainly a mighty step in the right direction and would have a great influence if it runs successfully. To move a step forward in technology, let’s find out more about the Li-Fi technology.

What is it?

For many, this is still a huge question. The most common explanation you’ll come across is that this advanced technology is claimed to be many times faster than the Wi-Fi. Simply put, the Li-Fi technology is the wireless optical networking technology. What makes it super special is that for the data transmission, it uses the light-emitting bodies, commonly known as the LEDs. Li-Fi will make use of the LEDs quiet similar to what it’s like at your homes and offices. For optical data transmission, a chip will be used to make it function properly. The data through this technology is transmitted through the LED bulbs and the photoreceptors receive it.

What is the Need of Li-Fi?

Many of us are sufficiently satisfied with the Wi-Fi that connects us to the world and are anxious to find out why we need Li-Fi. It has been open to criticism since quiet sometime specially because of the convincing argument that in order to transmit data, light can be limited in comparison to the radio waves. However, the usefulness of this technology should not be restricted to this drawback as there are many reasons of investing in this form of technology.

The most important aspect to consider here is the opportunity to access a much faster internet. It transmits signals multiple times quicker than your ordinary broadband connections. This means that during the peak times, you won’t have to face the misery of gaps or interruptions with the connection. The speed can dramatically change the ways we access internet and can totally revolutionize our lives. Another amazing benefit of using this technology is that it is cost effective. Light is the source and it is something we’ve been using for all of our lifetime. It is also an energy efficient way of using our technology. This is because the LED bulbs have won their reputation globally for being energy efficient. On the bright side of life, your broadband bills are going to vanish as well!

The use of Li-Fi technology would have a significant impact on how use technology and it is hoped to cover all the shortcomings of using Wi-Fi.

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