Think about it-any economy that focuses solely on low wages will have a huge disparity between the rich and the poor. Think China and India. However, for societies that have a healthy base of knowledge workers-engineers, researchers, and technology industries, the economy is more diversified and more versatile when it comes to future development. Sadly, the United States imports a large chunk of its technology manpower infrastructure because of the low demand for STEM education among native-born Americans. This should be alarming for American policymakers. This quartet of academic disciplines form the bedrock of America’s technical competitiveness. The good news is that if you want to boost your child’s chances of getting into a career path that will always have a lot of demand in the US, you should seriously consider enrolling your child into an enhanced STEM program. Depending on the state you live in, there are certain STEM-specific public education programs that pay special attention to building preference in children for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Since the US doesn’t produce enough native-born STEM graduates, there is sure to be a strong demand for your child in the future.
STEM need in Engineering and Computer science
Many high-tech corporate employers need computer science and engineering graduates. Sadly, many American students shy away from these majors and tend to select business or humanities majors. There’s nothing wrong with the humanities since they do provide graduates with high levels of critical thinking training and argumentation skills. They also boost communication effectiveness. However, these skills are not the bread and butter of American corporations engaged in cutting edge research and manufacturing. These industries need engineers and computer science specialists. A STEM education helps build a strong desire in students to explore the fascinating world of engineering and computer science without making these students feel like ‘nerds’ or social outcasts. A solid STEM education teaches science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in such a way that allows students to feed in the analytical skills and communication skills they learn in humanities courses. This results in a balanced education overall.
STEM need in Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a fast growing field. More and more firms are unlocking the power of genetic engineering to boost crop yields, fight disease, and relieve pain and suffering. The problem is there is not enough science graduates to fill the huge need. A solid STEM education early on helps your youngster develop a healthy appreciation for biosciences so by the time your child is ready for college, your child should be academically equipped to handle college level science courses and eventually embark on a rewarding career in the biotech industry.
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Article Source:
Paula Vass